Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ode to the Massage Dork

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Ode to the Massage Dork

To those few, proud and brave
Those filled with wonder and excitement
What do we call you?
What can sum up your passion of touch?

You are the Massage Dork!
Feel pride in your label

You feel awe when the Psoas stretches
Giddy when the Glutes spasm
Postural distortions fascinate you
Perplexing trigger point symptoms fill you with excitement

“People watching” isn't the same for you,
Fashion isn't nearly as interesting as Body Mechanics

Long lasting myofascial strokes give you goose bumps
You dream about the next Dalton class

Only with your eyes closed can you truly "see"
You live, love and feel all that massage is

Long Live the Dorkdom!
Long Live the Dorkdom!
Long Live the Dorkdom!

Enjoy our online CEU courses found at  
We offer the majority of your required online CEU courses as well as amazing online CEU courses for all the massage dorks out there!

What makes you a massage dork?
Add your own thoughts to this blog on Massage Dorkisms.  Leave a comment with what makes you a massage dork.

You know you're a massage dork when:"_________________________"

I run into so many massage therapists that are truly massage dorks and I love it!  The way you look at the body, the appreciation and fascination you have for the power of massage; it's amazing to be surrounded my like minded dorks such as myself.

You know you're a massage dork when...
1.   Only the rhythm of the music and the gliding of the hand are all that matters! "Gina B."
2.   You assess a person's gait and compensation patterns. "Kris B."
3.   You freak out internally when you see a well-toned body with all those muscles you learned in school that you hardly ever encounter in practice. "Kris B."
4.   You learn a new modality and try it out on everyone. "Kris B."
5.   You get asked about how something works in the body. "Kris B."
6.   People-watching does not sound like this: "Omg, look what she's wearing!" but more like this: "Look how he's walking. He's favoring his right hip and he may have broken his clavicle sometime this year." Then start naming the muscles to attack. Body mechanics and alignment are so much more fascinating than fashion. "Theresa R."
7.   You feel the release of a knot tingle up your whole arm. "Kris B."
8.   'Oh wow" slips from your mouth, your client stirs from deep relaxation, but you just felt a strong release in their soft tissue. "Helen M."
9.   I'm tired and worked on someone else, and I'm the one that fall asleep afterward. 'Diane H."
10.                My wife is getting that look on her face that I have spent to much time on youtube looking up the latest shiatsu knee moves or the unending feldenkraus technique of the week. "Nick"
11.                You meet someone who is really uptight or crazed and you assess them  not as being  just a nasty  disagreeable offensive indiivdual but rather as a prospective client  desperately needing  colonic irrigation and a massage.. "Tracy T."
12.                you refer to knots as "presents" and thank your clients for bringing them for you to play with. "Megan M."
13.                you are preparing the Thanksgiving Turkey, and while applying the herb rub, you find yourself massaging taught bands and inspecting for postural distortions. "Stacy A."
14.                all u think about when u see a cute pair of buns is hmm how tight are those really...and s*x was furthest from ur mind...... "Sussi"

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