Friday, July 25, 2014

Conscious Intentions


Setting your Intentions

So many people just mosey through life without ever setting their intentions for the day.  They wake up and let the world happen to them.  Most people would say this works for them, but I disagree.  I was discussing this with someone the other day and they quoted, "Ignorance is Bliss".  I see how not being aware that a certain state of being is so much better than your current state can be fine and functional.  I can also see how being aware of this better state of being can make you feel unhappy.  But that is only temporary and only if you do not make attempts to better yourself.  We all have a responsibility to ourselves to make our lives blissful and happy.  Being ignorant of how to better yourself is not blissful.

Well then, how do you make yourself blissful and happy.  Increasing your awareness is the first step. Feeling what is around you, taking it in and making choices to elevate your life.  I use to wake up and my first thought would be, "Man...This day is going to suck".  This can happen from time to time still, but most of the time I wake up and say out loud, "This day is filled with opportunity.  I don't know how I'm going to accomplish my goals, but I know they will be accomplished.  This is a great day."

This may sound corny and many may believe this doesn't work, it's a bunch of balogni.  Well, I would much rather be corny and happy instead of keeping it "real" and being a grump.  But here's the kicker, this stuff does work!  It's all about setting your intentions for the day and the day will flow as you want.  You may have to reset your intentions throughout the day to stay on track, but it is entirely possible for you to perceive any given day as a blessing or a curse, as a success or a failure.  It's always your perception of the events that matters, not the events themselves.

Have you ever woken up, stubbed your toe in your first steps and said "It's going to be one of those days."  I have, and you know what, it always was one of those days.  I've also woken up excited and said this day is going to be great and it was a great day.  This was before I learned about the law of attraction and consciously setting your intentions.

Not all great days come in the form of amazing events.  They often come in the form of amazing perceptions.  I had to have some work done on my car yesterday.  It cost me a lot of money that was earmarked towards something else.  Thank goodness I had woken up and set my intentions in the right direction.  I was able to look at this financial inconvenience in a positive light instead of getting overly worked up and angry about it and then getting on a tangent about how the world is out to get me and nothing goes my way, ARGH!!!  I believe my perception and calm, accepting assimilation of the information and events of my day was the better way to go.

There is also an empowering aspect to all this.  When the world happens to you, you are a pawn and a victim without any control over your environment or your actions.  This is what most people believe, that things happen to them, rather than they create their own reality.  When you accept that thoughts are things, that you are able control something as small as your perception of others actions, you then become empowered.  You slowly realize that your intentions, your desires...If coupled with enough good feelings, emotions and belief that you can have what you want, then you will get what you want.  You are a powerful being.  You truly can have all that you desire.  If you want a loving relationship, you can have it; If you want a million dollars, you can have it; If you want a career that inspires you, you can have it.

So often we focus on what we don't want.  If you ask someone what they are looking for in a partner they might say, well, I want someone that doesn't smoke, someone that isn't unhealthy, someone that isn't immature....WHOA!  What do they want?  They have not defined that yet, they are still focused on what they don't want.  Knowing what you DON'T want is good, but you have to use that to help define what you DO want.  The law of attraction states that if you focus on the negative of something, it's like saying to the universe you want that thing.  You ALWAYS have to say what you WANT.  Words are the way we express our desires.  If you express your desires in the negative then you will get the negative.

Setting your intentions and stating things in the positive takes practice.  The effort you put into your conscious thinking and perceptions of things will be all consuming at first.  We never really realize how negative we are until we work on being positive.  The best thing I have found to help speed up this initial process is a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique.  I believe validating the negative feeling you have and then moving forward with acceptance and positivity is an important part of bettering yourself.  Also writing down what your dreams, goals, and desires are will help you focus on the positive of the things you want.  When you start having feelings of doubt you can do EFT and then take out your "dream book" and focus on the things you want in a positive way.

There are so many subtleties that you will discover and work out for yourself as the time passes.  We do have control over our emotions, thoughts, and perceptions.  We can focus our positive energy and desires to create things or situations that we want.  This is a step by step process based on being positive, feeling good, and believing in yourself and your desires.

Always use your feelings as your guide, your thoughts as your tools, and your actions as an extension of your joy.

Until next time, I wish you a happy, healthy, productive and positive day.

Have a Great Day!

Michael Ames, LMT, CE Provider

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